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Two Legends: Oedipus and Theseus Kitap Alıntıları – André Gide

André Gide kitaplarından Two Legends: Oedipus and Theseus kitap alıntıları sizlerle…

Two Legends: Oedipus and Theseus Kitap Alıntıları

I have fulfilled my destiny. Behind me I leave the city of Athens. It has been dearer to me even than my wife and my son. My city stands. After I am gone,
my thoughts will live on there forever. Lonely and consenting, I draw near to death. I have enjoyed the good things of the earth, and I am happy to think
that after me, and thanks to me, men will recognize themselves as being happier, better, and more free. I have worked always for the good of those who are to come. I have lived.
Fruit I caressed, and the bark of young trees, and smooth stones on the shore, and the coats of horses and dogs, before ever my hands were laid on a woman. Toward all the charming things that Pan, Zeus, or Thetis could offer, I rose.
All happiness won in despite of the gods is happiness falsely acquired; early or late, the gods exact their price.
You must understand, my boys, that each one of us encounters at the beginning of his journey
a monster that confronts him with the riddle that may prevent him from going farther. And although to each one of us, my children, the Sphinx may put a different question, you must persuade yourselves that the answer is always the same. Yes, there is only this one same answer to those many and various questions; and that this one answer is: Man; and that this one man, for each and all of us, is: Oneself.
I can picture the time, far distant from our own, when the earth will be peopled by a race of men, owing allegiance to no one, who will look back upon our civilization of today as we ourselves look
back upon the condition of man at the beginning of his slow progress.
Çünkü her biri, kaçışı olmayan kendi kişiliğiyle sınırlı olan hapishanelerine geri dönmüşlerdi.
Ölülerin yurdunda, tamamlanmamış eylemlerin yeniden başlamasından daha kötü hiçbir ceza olmadığını bilmelisiniz.
Silah, onu taşıyan koldan daha az tehlikelidir ve kol, ona rehberlik eden rasyonel iradeden daha az tehlikelidir.
Eyvah! Bu dünyanın her yerinde neşe ile kıyaslanamayacak bir sefalet var.
Bununla birlikte, mutluluğunuz ile sefaletimiz arasında gizli bir bağlantı olduğundan neredeyse hiç şüphemiz yok.
All happiness won in despite of the gods is happiness falsely acquired; early or late, the gods exact their price.

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