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Symptoms of Being Human Kitap Alıntıları – Jeff Garvin

Jeff Garvin kitaplarından Symptoms of Being Human kitap alıntıları sizlerle…

Symptoms of Being Human Kitap Alıntıları

I wish I had some all-encompassing wisdom to give you. Or to give myself. You know? Because I’ve been through a lot, and it hurts. I want everything I’ve been through to make sense. I want the pain to have meaning. I want it to change something. But the truth is, feelings don’t change anything. To change something, you have to say things out loud. Do things. Take chances. Take a stand. So, this is the stand I’m taking: I’m not going to hide anymore.
“I didn’t know it was possible to blame someone and forgive them at the same time. But I think it is.”
“How will I know when I’m ready?”
“You’ll know.”
People are not canned goods, Riley. We don’t need labels.
People ?? judge books by their covers; it’s human nature. They react to the way you look before they hear a single word that comes out of your mouth.
We’re all taught from a young age that there are only two choices: pink or blue, Bratz or Power Rangers, cheerleading or football. We see gender in the dimensions because that’s what society has taught us from birth. But, are you ready for a shocking revelation?


I always feel slightly fake, like I’m in costume. I can’t remember the last time I felt comfortable in my own skin.
The world isn’t binary. Everything isn’t black or white, yes or no. Sometimes it’s not a switch, it’s a dial. And it’s not even a dial you can get your hands on; it turns without your permission or approval.
People are not canned goods, Riley. We don’t need labels.
As for wondering if it’s okay to be who you are #8212; that’s not a symptom of mental illness. That’s a symptom of being a person.
It’s new; there’s hardly any graffiti at all, only the world penis etched in one corner. Briefly, I consider inscribing vagina on the opposite side, just to balance it out.
“How will I know when I’m ready?”
“You’ll know.”

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