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An Enchantment of Ravens Kitap Alıntıları – Margaret Rogerson

Margaret Rogerson kitaplarından An Enchantment of Ravens kitap alıntıları sizlerle…

An Enchantment of Ravens Kitap Alıntıları


Besides, what on earth would I do with men’s hearts? I couldn’t make an omelette out of them.
“I’ve never known a kiss on the hand to last so long, sir.”
“If you must stare at something for hours on end, I’d prefer it to be me alone.”
This time, we stand and fight.” His gaze flicked to me again. “Or rather, I do, while you do your best to stay out of the way.”
“Something about you changes every day. Isobel, you’re very beautiful.”
Did I only want my life to change, or did I want to change it with him?
“If you must stare at something for hours on end, I’d prefer it to be me alone.”

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